Posts Tagged "eDiscovery"

Using Data to Lead Change

Using Data to Lead Change

One of the main ways that to ensure that humans are put back into data is through the process of data storytelling. Insist colleagues, teams, and organizations to be always be data-informed rather than data-driven. Organizations that promote data-driven strategies Learn more
Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done

Legal culture is fixated on productivity to the exclusion of more important considerations. While certainly it’s better to be productive than unproductive, productivity is only third most important when it comes to getting things done. Efficiency ranks second and effectiveness Learn more
Data Conversion: Dos and Don’ts

Data Conversion: Dos and Don’ts

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid rate, it is inevitable that you will be faced with at least one data conversion project during the course of your career. There are some universal dos and don'ts to follow so Learn more
Data Protection Laws & Retention Schedules

Data Protection Laws & Retention Schedules

It is essential that an organization’s records retention schedule is compliant with the data protection requirements in the jurisdictions where the organization operates. This task feels overwhelming since jurisdictions around the world are enacting new laws, regulations, and requirements while Learn more
Handling Chat Data in eDiscovery

Handling Chat Data in eDiscovery

Now a mainstream form of business communication, chat is here to stay as an easy and instant way to connect. But when it comes to litigation, investigations and regulatory compliance, chat presents some unwieldy challenges for eDiscovery and legal teams. Learn more
Information Governance Implementation Model

Information Governance Implementation Model

The Information Governance Implementation Model (IGIM) is designed as an aid to bridge the gaps across the stakeholders who participate in an organization’s information governance program. It offers a functional approach to information governance by exploring the elements that need Learn more
Investing in Data Management Solutions

Investing in Data Management Solutions

With increased unstructured data, enterprises will be looking towards more data management solutions and data security to ensure they can make the most out their data. For more Tidbits & Thoughts, click here. Learn more
What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger that can be used to create an authoritative record of events, which in turn can be used to provide trust within an untrusted environment. For more Tidbits & Thoughts, click here. Learn more
Mapping Document Management Processes

Mapping Document Management Processes

Processes around documents must mirror the processes around all organizational information. A consistent lifecycle for all information in an organization must be applied, with room for the unique nuances of document management to assert themselves. For this consistency across systems Learn more